I found out yesterday that a colleague is dying, with only weeks to live. That sort of news really gets you thinking about this gift of life that God has given us, and what lies beyond.
It brings up emotions that are hard to describe.
I dedicated this morning’s Rosary to him. In gratitude, in hope, in support. Because I won’t be able to see him again, I’m relying on my supernatural support system to help him get what he needs.
It’s a wonderful thing to be able to say “Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for ____ now and at the hour of his death.” It’s a very specific request of Our Mother, and I have no doubt that she’s helping out.
When I ask Jesus to “bring all souls to heaven,” it has a very direct connection. Please, Jesus, help HIM to get to heaven. Whatever he needs.
When I convey gratitude with “Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit” – it’s a gratitude for what this person has been able to give to the world while he was here.
And express my hope that he will be able to experience that glory as he moves on to eternal life.