Today we enter into the most intense period of our journey: the Triduum. We descend into the darkness as we realize what cruelty we have shown to our God.
Of course we also know the end of this story: glorious resurrection on the third day, at which time we recognize that our Lord is triumphant, even over death.
He promises me that I too can be triumphant, if only I follow His path.
This is one reason why I love following spiritual leaders in our time. Not that they have all the answers, either – God has chosen to hide the future from our view.
Today we are in agony. In this lifetime we experience tremendous amounts of grief and loss. It’s particularly striking this year as I attended three funerals just in the last month.
Agony is real, and it helps purify the soul.
But within that pain is the promise that God will show me the glorious future He holds. As long as I strive every day to follow Him.