Mary, Mother of The Church

Photo by guille pozzi on Unsplash

We have been given a special gift by our Holy Father, Pope Francis.

On March 3rd 2018, he declared a new feast day, the Memorial of Mary, Mother of The Church. It will be celebrated on the Monday after Pentecost, which for the first time is May 21st 2018. This celebration was first granted by Pope Paul VI to a few countries at Vatican II, and has now been shared with the entire Body of Christ.

Perhaps we’ll see Pope Francis’ prayer added to the Rosary at some point? Continue reading “Mary, Mother of The Church”

Our journey of Lent

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

It’s rather funny how much people like Ash Wednesday. I heard someone joke once that it’s just about Catholics loving “free stuff”, whether it’s palm fronds or ashes.

I think it’s a deeper need we all have to take stock of the spiritual dimension of our lives.

At New Year’s, people tend to focus on physical health. And in my realm, on career and business goals.

Continue reading “Our journey of Lent”


Photo by nikko macaspac on Unsplash

I have found it odd that our Catholic prayers often don’t include the word “please” or something similar.

Pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death.

Here we are asking God or Jesus or Mary for something huge, and it seem perhaps a bit impolite. Perhaps English is different than Latin and other languages in this sense?

Give us this day our daily bread.

Continue reading “Please?”


Photo by Anton Darius | Sollers on Unsplash

I found out yesterday that a colleague is dying, with only weeks to live. That sort of news really gets you thinking about this gift of life that God has given us, and what lies beyond.

It brings up emotions that are hard to describe.

I dedicated this morning’s Rosary to him. In gratitude, in hope, in support. Because I won’t be able to see him again, I’m relying on my supernatural support system to help him get what he needs.

Continue reading “Intentions”